To BEAT or Not to Beat

How are you Handling COVID-19

At the outset, understand that this Pandemic is neither unassailable nor unavoidable. All that it requires is a disciplined approach, by way of some social behaviour clubbed with certain basic hygiene habits, which anyway are worth practicing even otherwise.

The DO's

  1. Keep your House clutter free, clean and well lit and Aired. Open the windows and let the Sun rays peep in.

  2. Wash the Vegetables in warm water prior to use. Avoid freezing the vegetables and try to use afresh everyday.

  3. Store enough items at least for a week every time to avoid frequent visits to Super Markets.

  4. Wear your Masks covering your Nose, Mouth fully and fitting perfectly with the contour of your face. A loose mask is as bad as not wearing one.

  5. Use Ginger, Pepper, Garlic and Turmeric liberally in your Cooking and ensure adequate intake of Vit C, Vit D.

  6. Drink plenty of water, sitting comfortably, by sipping slowly and NOT gulping it down!

  7. Expose yourself to the Sunlight at least for 30 minutes daily.

  8. Drink warm glass of Milk with 1 tsp pure organic Turmeric powder in the night prior to hitting the bed.

  9. Do Steam inhalation at least twice daily and do Salt water gargling to rid your throat of excess mucus or phlegm and to kill the virus, ab initio.

Do some meditation, close your eyes and chant your favourite verses and pray for the welfare of everyone.

The DONT's

  1. Do not touch your Eyes, Nose and Ears while you are outside the house. Avoid touching any objects other than absolutely necessary ones.

  2. Do not bring the footwear inside your Home.

  3. Do not visit crowded places or public swimming pools, baths etc,,

  4. Do Not eat outside food at least till the Pandemic abates.

  5. Most Importantly, DO NOT PANIC.


I neither claim to be an authority on Medicine, Health Services or other related fields nor am I a Doctor. These are just a few things I personally practice to successfully ward off the Virus, till now!! Hope it helps you to do the same.

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